20th Charity Tournament in Bad Ragaz, 08.06.2024

Rekordsumme am Turnier 2024 in Bad Ragaz

To mark its 20th anniversary, the "Golfing with Heart" charity tournament in Bad Ragaz raised a new record sum of CHF 155'555.51

At the 20th anniversary edition of the "Golfing with Heart" charity tournament held at the Bad Ragaz Golf Club, a donation check for CHF 155,555.51 was handed over this year - a new record amount. The "ergolfed" donations will go directly to needy families in Switzerland and Liechtenstein in cooperation with children's hospitals and cancer institutions.

It was a day that will not soon be forgotten. The first flight of four started at 6.45 a.m. last Saturday, June 8, 2024, on the perfectly manicured course of the Golf Club Bad Ragaz. The 172 golfers were spoiled with the best golfing weather and a great and exuberant atmosphere prevailed, with the fun of the game always in the foreground. For Ralph Polligkeit, Director Golf & Sports at the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz and board member of "Golfen mit Herz", the tournament is a matter close to his heart: "It is one of our highlights in the tournament calendar every year, and the fact that a record sum was also raised this year to mark the 20th anniversary fills us with great pride".

In recent years, the traditional tournament has already raised over CHF 2.5 million. The proceeds from the tournament, which also come from donations, are raised by the "Children Cancer Foundation" and, in accordance with the purpose of the association, are used exclusively to benefit young people affected by cancer in the region.

When the donation cheque was handed over, there was also great joy among the participants, as many of the golfers have been on the starting list for this charity tournament for years. Once again, the day was all about doing good deeds and supporting those whose illness makes it difficult or impossible for them to take part in such events. Friedhelm Gruber, initiator of the Golfen mit Herz charity tournaments, once again used the end of the all-round successful charity day to thank the supporters from Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

The successful charity tournament was rounded off in the gladys restaurant at the Bad Ragaz Golf Club. A wonderful raffle promised great prizes for the almost 200 evening guests, and the almost famous BBQ by chef Michael Pilman and his crew spoiled the guests with culinary delights. Afterwards, the Liechtenstein party duo "Style Music" with Sabrin Breuss & Andy Bio Bircher ensured a great atmosphere and a good mood.

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